Wednesday, July 19, 2006


My husband reminded me that I neglected to share our freezer story. I guess it is kind of cool when you have so many blessings that you forget one! A couple of weeks ago, our freezer's alarm went off... that means the temperature has dropped and something was wrong. The freezer door wasn't open (which is why the alarm has sounded in the past), but when I looked at the things inside, they were showing signs of starting to thaw... so something was wrong. I moved what food I could to the small freezer on our refrigerator, but could only do that with a small portion. I was pretty upset. I have stored our free bread in the freezer and some garden produce my mom gave me and other food I just thought we really needed! When Mark got home later, I told him about the freezer, we went down and checked and the warning light was still flashing. We decided to call the family together to pray over the freezer. Later on that night we checked the freezer and the light had stopped flashing. Checked again in the morning... it was still okay! We were so relieved and said our thanks to God. And, yes, it is still working!

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