Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Believe God to be Huge

I am just finding it amazing how God seems to be providing for my studies for the Western Civilizations CLEP test. At Precept class last night, Kay Arthur’s teaching centered on a time line on a portion of the time period I have been studying. So, now I have our pastor's teaching at church, my Bible study on Daniel, and my Bible study on Revelation ALL pouring into my history studies. Is that cool or what?

On a whim decided to listen to some of Beth Moore’s teaching on Romans today. Here is a rough rendering from my notes on one small portion on her teaching on faith. She was teaching out of Romans 9:

Warning: This is literally from my notes, so yes, the wording isn't always so smooth... but I think you'll get the idea!

You cannot exercise faith when God won’t give you credit for it…. I am convinced that God will bless our faith, even when He cannot bless our request…. I think there are times when (we are praying and acting in faith for something he cannot give us) and He looks at us says, “You are so darlin’ and that was so good. But, I really cannot do that for you, because that would not be best for where I’m going and how this plan has to pan itself out. But I want you to know that you really made me grand and I’m going to bless you for that because you got out there, you took the risk. And you tried to ride that wave.”

…. God wants you to know that you have something in you, which you do not think you have in yourself… We have it within us to be mighty, mighty warriors and if we get everything we ever ask we are never going to be mighty warriors. When we get out there, and in spite of things not going as we hoped, we still say, “MY GOD IS FAITHFUL…. And, Lord, I confess to you, I don’t have a clue as to what you’re doing…but I know Who You are…. and when I don’t know what to believe you will do , I know Who I can believe You are. And I’m going to believe you to be huge.(I know the wording on the last two sentences are rough, but I hope you'll reread it, if necessary, to get what she was saying... it is powerful.)

Believe God to be huge and He will credit it to you every time.

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