Monday, March 05, 2007

Preparing the Fields

Our church showed the movie, Facing the Giants, last night. If you haven't seen it, I would certainly recommend it. What a powerful message! It was easy to insert our circumstances into the theme of the movie and make applications to our own life. So many of the things the characters said and did were things we've said and done over the last 9 months... the parallels were quite amazing. The coach's team philosophy was similar to ours throughout this job search.... "When we win, we praise Him. When we lose, we praise Him." It is so contrary to human nature, but a vital part of learning to trust in God.

During the movie one of the characters told a story about two farmers who both prayed for rain... but only one of them went out to prepare his fields. Which one of them believed God would send the rain? Of course, the one who prepared his fields! What a light bulb moment. If you've regularly read this blog, you know that "the rains" has been a theme in this blog and a theme in what God has been showing us throughout this trial. (Your flour and oil will not become empty until the rains come again...) So, this illustration felt like a huge billboard from God. Prepare your fields!!

Mark and I are talking and praying over some options... but we could really use your prayers for wisdom and eyes to see what He would have us see. I would also ask that you praise Him for all of the "closed doors" we've encountered so far and praise Him for the fact that when HE opens a door NO ONE can shut it.

Why are you downcast, O my soul?
Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God,
for I will yet praise him,
my Savior and my God.

Psalm 43:5

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