Friday, February 02, 2007

Nothing to do with job search, but...

Our son and daughter-in-love came by our house this week to tell us that they found out she is pregnant! Of course we were shocked and surprised... but very, very happy.

Yesterday, I heard from my "dil" that her progesterone levels are too low which is bad for the pregnancy. They are going to put her on some progesterone supplements and hope that it will solve the problem. The neat thing about it all is that her Dr. appointment was Wednesday and she knew she'd be hearing from the doctor the next day.... so it was difficult to get up and go about the day like it was "normal". She went to her voice class at the college on Thursday, and she and her teacher always begin by talking and praying together. So, she told her teacher about the pregnancy and the progesterone levels, and poured out her worries. The teacher told my dil that she'd miscarried once due to low progesterone levels.... which was hard for our dil to hear, of course. But, it was also good for her to have someone to talk to who had been through the same worries and concerns. Then, her teacher began to talk about about God's will and how important it was to follow Him in every detail of our lives, even when He seems to be telling us to do something that doesn't make sense. The teacher then told my dil that when she was getting ready to leave for work that morning, she felt God was asking her to put something in her purse that didn't make sense. But, she it in her purse anyway because she had such a strong leading to do so. And now, she said she knew what she was supposed to do with that item. She then reached into her purse and handed it to my dil... it was a little stuffed baby bunny. An amazing reminder that God is aware of what is going on.... and that He is sovereign and in control of it all.

I'm thankful that her voice teacher was sensitive to God's voice and most of all, obedient in doing something even when it didn't make sense to her. (Who would think that it was reasonable to put a stuffed animal in your purse to go teach at a college!) What a lesson, huh? It seems to be a lesson God is showing me again and again. When God puts a thought in my head or a nudging in my heart... I should not hesitate, but rather, just do it.

Please pray for our son and daughter-in-love and the baby. And most of all... please praise Him for his lovingkindness.

God bless you all.

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