Wednesday, February 14, 2007

O TASTE and SEE that the LORD is GOOD!

My phone has had intermittent problems ever since it fell in the sink and now is no longer showing any signs of life. Last week, Mark's phone began to shut off whenever he talked on it.... which isn't good because he used that phone number on his resumes! It became urgent to get new phones! We checked at a nearby Cingular store and they still didn't have any free phones. Ugh! What to do? Then, I got a Cingular advertisement in my email and it caused me to go to their web site and low and behold... free phones if you upgrade online! Problem solved, in God's timing!

Today we were blessed with a gift from friends that will allow me to go to Shop 'n Save tomorrow and take advantage of the $10 off coupon. PTL!

We received a delicious loaf of whole grain bread... what a treat and so nourishing, too.

I forgot to mention several weeks ago, a dear friend gave me a box of laundry detergent just when I was getting low again! (God really cares about my laundry, I think!)

This is such a little thing... but our orthodontist wanted me to get Hannah a peroxide-based oral rinse to care for her gums under her new "tooth". I looked at Target and it was really expensive! I prayed at the store, as I often do when trying to decide what to buy and what to leave.... and I had a thought.... to check at Walgreens. Would you believe they had the exact rinse I needed FREE after rebate! And to top it off, I had a gift card from last month's rebates to purchase it with! Our God takes care of *everything*!

O taste and see that the Lord [our God] is good!
Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied)
is the man who trusts and takes refuge in Him.

The young lions lack food and suffer hunger,
but they who seek (inquire of and require) the Lord
[by right of their need and on the authority of His Word],
none of them shall lack any beneficial thing.
(Amplified Bible)

Psalm 34:9,10

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