Friday, February 09, 2007

Blessed are all who wait for him!

Mark and I have been marveling, once again, at God's power, love, and provision. You see, just a few days ago, we reached the 8 month mark of his unemployment. Logic would dictate that we would not have been able to pay our bills, to feed & clothe our children, to heat our home this cold winter..... Logic would dictate that we would not have been able to give any Christmas gifts or birthday gifts to our children.... But, our situation has defied all logic. Every true need we have has been met and even a few things that were not needs.

And, some might even say it would be logical to lose our faith in God after 8 long months of waiting and praying for a job, without one materializing.

But, on the contrary.... it has given our faith wings.

Can I say it has been easy? Absolutely not. The trial has come with many physical sacrifices, we've shed tears, and have suffered countless fears, and even some humiliation. Just like clay in a potter's hands, some days I feel I've been smashed, pushed, pulled, and prodded. But, we've also had a glorious front-seat witness to God's power. We've tested His promises and found them to be true! If we SEEK FIRST HIS KINGDOM, He will take care of all of our necessities. We've floundered at times, but God's strong arm has always pulled us up and set us on a firm footing once again.

He's developed in us, a trust we never possessed before.
We know His purposes are valuable and His plan is worth the cost of a delay.

Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you;
he rises to show you compassion.
For the LORD is a God of justice.
Blessed are all who wait for him! Isiah 30:18

In terms of a job search update, I'll share a couple of things. Mark had a job interview this week that went great! The problem is, they won't be ready to hire for the position until maybe April, and the pay is not good. Mark also has a phone interview next week for another job. So, it seems like the search is picking up pace a little. I really feel a new job is just around the corner.

If you think of us in your prayers, please pray that God will direct our paths in this!

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