Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Thankful Thinking

It is Thanksgiving this week, and we have so much to be thankful for, don't we? Yes, our economy is getting a little scary, and the war that will not end continues, and violence and difficulties are all over the world...

Yet, we can have confidence in the ONE and only Father of the Universe. He is in control of our world and our circumstances. This week, Laine's Letter encouraged mothers to be Thankful Thinkers. She shared how her mother lived her life in this way, even during days of homelessness, when her family lived in a Volkswagon van for months and months. Being thankful in those circumstances would require supernatural strength and fortitude. I would guess that it would only be possible in a woman who was intimately acquainted with God... and woman who sat and drank from His Word on a regular basis. I pray that I can be that kind of woman.

This has been one of the hardest years I've faced, especially the last six months or so. But, can I still be thankful? You betcha. Here is my "Thankful Thirteen":

1) Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift! (2 Cor. 9:15)
2) God's love and faithfulness in each and every circumstance of my life.
3) My Family... they are the very best in the world.
4) Our granddaughter. I am in awe of her beauty and of the love we immediately feel for this little one. We are thankful to have her with us this Thanksgiving!
5) Our military. I am thankful for the service men and women who work to protect our freedoms and make unimaginable sacrifices each and every day.
6) Our military families. Thank you for your sacrifices, past, present and future. I do not know how mothers and wives of soldiers do it. You are my heroes.
7) Food to eat. We received a generous gift that will give us a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner here at home, and more.
8) A Christmas tree in storage that we will pull out this weekend, stand in a corner, and then walk down memory lane as we hang each ornament and reminisce. I have ornaments from my grandparent's trees, ornaments that have been gifts to me from friends and family, some my children made.... it is a pleasant annual ritual.
9) A caring church family. So many of you have helped us through the last year and a half. You have given supportive words, gifts, love, encouragement, etc., etc. What would we do without our brothers and sisters in Christ?
10) The Word of God. I drink thirstily from it daily. How different life would be without it's reassurances and hope.
11) A roof over my head. Our home has some problems, but it is warm and dry and I am thankful for that!
12) Clothes to wear.... I'm amazed that God provides in this area so faithfully. Even when we haven't had money to buy clothes, He helps me find a way.
13) Generous grandparents, who have helped our kids not feel the brunt of the job loss as greatly as they might have... they have provided them with things that they need, assistance for youth trips, school expenses, etc.

Today I pray this beautiful prayer over each of you who have been so supportive, loving and caring towards us. God bless you and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

I thank my God every time I remember you.
In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy
.....And this is my prayer:
that your love may abound more and more in knowledge
and depth of insight,
so that you may be able to discern what is best
and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ,

filled with the fruit of righteousness
that comes through Jesus Christ—
to the glory and praise of God.
Phil. 1:3-11

Amen and Amen


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