Monday, August 06, 2007

How Great is Our God

Mark has two inspections scheduled this week after having many, many weeks passing with nothing. One resulted from Mark's visit to a real estate office and another resulted from the breakfast meeting he spoke at. Please praise God for those!!! Continue to pray that the Lord will bring business.

Five or six months ago, I put the movie "Facing the Giants" on reserve at the library. There was such a long line of reserves I didn't get it until about 2 weeks ago. I had seen the movie when our church showed back in March... it was great with wonderful life lessons. But, recently I had been unraveling like an old sock, mentally and spiritually -- so in God's impeccable timing, He used the movie to remind me of some things and encourage me.

The death crawl scene reminded me of what God is doing with me. I cannot see what is ahead or how far I will have to go in this "crawl". If I knew I might be be too afraid and I also might be defeated by my self-perceived limitations. We just need to continue to go forward, do the best we can, and leave the results up to God.

Today is my 39th birthday (ha-ha... yep that may be a little "off") and it is also 14 months since Mark's job ended. God is a miracle worker.... we are still in our home, we still have food, we have every need met. Praise God!

Name above all names
You are Worthy of our praise
and My heart will sing how great
Is our God


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord!!!